The originators of quality value packed digitally designed & manufactured splints
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The Splint That Fits
We make Digisplint to fit, first time - every time. Direct from your Intra Oral Scan DigiSplint is designed completely in the digital domian and then manufactured using the latest CNC dental dental technology.
Designed with state of the art CAD software and milled to micron precison to create the most amazing fit, unmatched by any lab made splint. Try one today, download a lab form or give us a call.
Digisplint can also be made from your PVS/Rubber Impressions
For almost 10 years we have been at the forefront of digital splint design and manufacture
It All Starts With a Good Impression
There is no escaping it, the fit accuracy of a splint is directly dependant on the impression.
Splints are usually full arch devices so they can be technically challenging to fit well across the arch. These days there is plenty of evidence to support an intral oral scan is the best type of impression for splints as scans have reached a premium accuracy level and the repeatability is exceptional. Of course good PVS impressions are suitable as well and alginate as a last resort as long as its poured up immediately. We can digitise the models created from impressions and then design the splint.
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Bite Me
If you really want to make the biggest difference to your whole splint proceedure there is nothing better than taking a good construction bite for the splint. Unfortunately a centric bite does not give enough information for accurate construction of a splint as it has to be manipulated on some form usuall on an "average articulator", effectively "guessing" the jaw relation when in the slightly open position required for the splint. Sure at times it will get close but there is a better way to avoid spending valuable chairside time grinding a splint to excess ?
The concept of the construction bite is to simulate the jaw relation when the finished splint in the patients mouth.and suprisingly it is actually quite easy to take. We feel it is best taken with a firm but not brittle wax, often a few layers of carefulluy cut denture wax is ideal. Blobs of silicone bite registration material are a poor second choice unless manipulated expertly.
Be careful the patient does not protrude the lower jaw and please don't let them bite through the wax or bite reg material all the way otherwise you just end up with a centic bite.
Yes intra oral scan bites can be taken with the construction bite in place and the result is we will receive the construction relation digitally and have a far better reference to work with.
Splint Designs
There are many different splint types available to select from but 90 % of the splints we manufacture are standard Flat Plane or Michigan style splints. These can be made with or without cannine or anterior guidance. However you favourite design can easily be manufactured using our process so feel free to discuss your particular design with us.
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Splint Material Types
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Milled HD PMMA
High Density PolymethylMethacrylate ( Dental Acrylic) is proven crystal clear, strong material and is the first choice for all splints. Also available in limited tooth shades.
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3D Printed Flexion
Flexion 3D : NEW From Fabdent, our famous Flexion splint material has been updated and fully 3D printed in our new Flex 2020 material. Firm at room temperature and when warmed becomes somewhat flexible, but when cooled again reverts to original shape. A breeze to fit and the most comfortable splint for your patient. Available in a pleasant transparent light violet colour.
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Milled POM Resin
Acetyl Resin ( polyoxymethylene or POM) is virtually unbreakable , slightly flexible and perfect for intense bruxers. Available in translucent clear and limited tooth shades.
Contact Us Today
Don't hesitate to contact us today for any inquiry
Fabdent Products and Services © 2020